Date: 9:00 a.m.(JPN) August 25, 2023 - 11:50 p.m.(JPN) August 26, 2023
Location: pictSQUARE (←Click it and go to pictSQUARE page.)
Twitter hashtag:#NSRockFes_JPEE
This is the event of the unofficial 3rd anniversary of No StraightRoads has been released, would be held in a "Pixelated Vinyl City" where you can spend 2days as a citizen.
Participants would be able to purchase (but free for charge) a site in each distriction, which would be divided by number in advance, and decorate their rooms as you wish within the designated size as a citizen of Vinyl City.
--But no need to do something special!!
You can just hanging around the city with firends...
Or taking a picture of you climbing on the statue of DJ SUB...
Or drawing something at the Paint chat be held at the xsame time of the event...
OR, just standing all day long as a unicorn like Amal...
This event is also a Japanese comic event, so you can participate as a circle participant, but optional.
Let's celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Vinyl City, our beloved EDM empire and Holy Ground of Rock!!
・2-day limited citizen experience in Vinyl City (In Game)
・Free Participatory Picture Chat (Magma Studio)
・EVE Gallery (Exhibition of illustrations on this website)
・Pirate Radio (Exhivisition of NSROST cover songs on this website)
・Giveaway (Coming Soon!)
●How to participate
◎For general participation
Read all of the "How to create images" and "Terms of Submissions" pages.
Click on the link to DJ SUB's helmet GIF at the bottom of the "Terms of Submissions" page and fill out the required information on the Google Form and submit it.
When you receive a message like "your registration is complete!" from the organizer, your registration is complete!
Once you confirm that there is your room in your preferred block on the day of the event, free to enjoy the event!
*We generally would not notified you of your room availability, so please check the official Twitter account for the event or our website to confirm the room availability.
・What to prepare
E-mail address or Social media account (including Discord) to contact the organizer
Nickname for contact
Nickname for citizens (can be the same as the nickname for contact if you would like to.)
Image of your room
Picture for citizen introduction (optional)
Avatar image for pictSQUARE for introduction (optional)
・Registration Deadline
11:59 p.m. August 22, 2023 (JPN)
・Deadline for resubmission
11:50 p.m. August 24, 2023 (JPN)
◎For circle participation
Apply for circle participation on the event page of pictSQUARE. (Circle participation fee: 1,000 yen)
Read all of the "How to create images" and "Terms of Submissions" pages.
Click on the link to DJ SUB's helmet GIF at the bottom of the "Terms of Submissions" page and fill out the required information on the Google Form and submit it.
When you receive a message like "your registration is complete!" from the organizer, your registration is complete!
Once you confirm that there is your room in your preferred block on the day of the event, free to enjoy the event!
*Please refer to pictSQUARE for details on how to apply to participate in the pictSAUQRE circle.
*We generally would not notified you of your room availability, so please check the official Twitter account for the event or our website to confirm the room availability.
Currently pictSQUARE is unavailable due to a serious information leak and the server itself is closed. Restoration is undecided at this time.
If you have used pictSQUARE or registered with pictSQUARE, please check if there are any services that use the same password as the service in question, and be careful to check your credit card statements for any evidence of unauthorized use.
Also, please note that this event limits your genre of exhibited and distributed items.
Please read the following link and apply for circle participation only if you agree to the terms and conditions.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Check out the "Terms of Submissions and Works for Sale" page.
◎How to participate in EVE Gallery
Read all of the "How to create images" and "Terms of Submissions" pages.
Click on the link to DJ SUB's helmet GIF at the bottom of the "Terms of Submissions" page and fill out the required information on the Google Form and upload your artwork only one per person, then submit it.
When you receive a message like "your registration is complete!" from the organizer, your registration is complete!
Images will be posted within about a week on this website, so check out here from time to time to see if your image has been posted!
*If your work has not been published after more than a week after submitting your applications in case your data has not been accepted due to incomplete data.
Please check the notes again and resubmit it or contact the organizer.
・Genres of work
Cartoon (Comic)
gif video
*You can submit your work that has already been posted on social media sites, etc. Let everyone see your work!
・Registration Deadline
11:59 p.m. August 22, 2023 (JPN)
・Deadline for resubmission
11:50 p.m. August 24, 2023 (JPN)
◎How to participate in Pirate Radio
Read all of the "How to create images" and "Terms of Submissions" pages.
Click on the link to DJ SUB's helmet GIF at the bottom of the "Terms of Submissions" page and fill out the required information on the Google Form and upload the link of the platform that can listening to your music. Only one link per person, then submit it.
When you receive a message like "your registration is complete!" from the organizer, your registration is complete!
the Video will be posted within about a week on this website, so check out here from time to time to see if your work has been posted!
*If your work has not been published after more than a week after submitting your applications in case your data has not been accepted due to incomplete data.
Please check the notes again and resubmit it or contact the organizer.
・Registration Deadline
11:50 p.m. August 18, 2023
・Deadline for resubmission
11:50 p.m. August 24, 2023
Also, please note that this event limits your genre of exhibited and distributed items.
Please read the following link and apply for circle participation only if you agree to the terms and conditions.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Check out the "Terms of Submissions and Works for Sale" page
Check out how to create
the submissions.