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the Anniversary Vinyl
Pixelated Vinyl City!

Find the "Anniversary Vinyl" in the game Pixelated Vinyl City, which will be distributed only 2 days, 8/25 and 26!

Take a screenshot of the item and send it to

the special participation form on our website.

You may can get the two original

NSR 3rd Anniversary Vinyl-ish stickers from this event! 

The description can be found on our website!



The game is only available in Japanese, but we have taken measures so that non-Japanese speakers can also participate in the giveaway. 

How to DL the game

and participate.

The game is only available in Japanese, but you can also participate in this giveaway project for the following images.

- The screenshot that the organizer or other streamer streaming or VOD of "Pixelated Vinyl City".

-Image from "Secret" file included with the game.


-Screenshot of the game that the organizer will tweet on the 26th.

●Participation deadline

August 31th, pm 11: 59 (JPN)

●Let's DL the game!!↓↓


●participation form is here!↓↓

Participate to the giveaway!

We look forward to your application!​

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